In close collaboration with residents and community partners in South Providence, the City of Providence Department of Planning and Development is creating a community-led vision for the future of Broad Street and the Saint Joseph’s property. To gather community feedback for the vision, the City is attending community events, conducting door-to-door canvassing, and hosting a series of “community conversations.” The input received through these activities will guide the vision for Broad Street and help solve specific challenges and opportunities identified by community members.
Couldn’t make the meetings? See the Calendar of Events section below for links to presentations, display boards, and the report generated as a result of community input.
Calendar of Events
Community Conversation #1
Saturday, March 11, 2017
Southside Cultural Center, 393 Broad Street
Facebook Event Page
This meeting was an opportunity for community members to share their ideas for the future of Broad Street and identify specific concerns and ideas related to the Saint Joseph’s property on Broad Street.
Community Conversation #2
Saturday, May 13, 2017
Southside Cultural Center, 393 Broad Street
Facebook Event Page
This meeting was an opportunity for community members to review public input voiced at the March 11th Community Conversation and offer additional feedback.
Community Conversation Report
Community Conversation #3
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Iglesia Visión Evangelica, 1014 Broad Street
Facebook Event Page
This meeting was another opportunity for community members to share their ideas for the future of Broad Street, identify specific concerns and ideas related to the Saint Joseph’s property on Broad Street, review public input voiced at the March 11th and May 13th Community Conversations, and offer additional feedback.