Sign up for CodeRED
CodeRED is an emergency notification service that allows public safety to notify residents and businesses by phone, email, and text about emergency situations. For example, CodeRED may be used when there is severe weather, utility outages, fires, floods, missing or lost persons, or gas leaks. CodeRED will notify residents of an emergency and also provide instructions, if required. There is no charge to register for or use CodeRED and your personal information will be kept confidential.
- CodeRED delivers notifications by phone, email, text, and/or mobile alerts
- CodeRED is compatible with TDD/TTY devices for those with hearing impairments
- Individuals and businesses may add as many phone numbers, email and texts numbers as they choose
After you sign up:
- Add the phone number, 866.419.5000 to your caller ID – this is for EMERGENCY CALLS
- Add the phone number, 855.969.4636 to your caller ID - this is for GENERAL CALLS
- Add the phone number, 800-566-9780 to your caller ID – this is for WEATHER WARNINGS