The Art in City Life Commission, established in 2016, was formed to create standardized policies and procedures for public art, monuments, memorials, and markers on publicly held land and set guidelines for private developers.
The Art in City Life Plan, unveiled in April 2018, is a blueprint for the Art Culture + Tourism Department to commission temporary and permanent artworks through ACT Public Art.
The Art in City Life Commission is composed of nine members from the following constituencies in Providence: independent working artists, art organizations and affiliations, universities and colleges, the private sector. Appointees serve one or two-year terms with the opportunity to renew for a total of three consecutive terms.
Read the Art in City Life Plan Information on the Commission Terms Apply to be on an Art Selection Panel
Current Appointees
Bob Dilworth, Chair
Suzanne Kim, Vice Chair
Thea Quiray-Tagle
Tony Aguilar
Karen Harris
Dana Heng
Brendan Rose
Anusha Venkataraman
Akilah Philip
Mayor Brett P. Smiley (ex officio)
Finance Director Sara Silveria (ex officio)
Meeting Schedule
ACLC meetings are generally held every other month on the last Wednesday of the month but are subject to change. The following meetings are tentatively scheduled as of now. Please visit the Secretary of State of RI’s Open Meetings portal or the City of Providence’s Open Meetings portal for confirmed meeting dates, agendas and minutes:
Tues, Mar 25, 2025
Tues, May 27, 2025
Thurs, July 31, 2025
Thurs, Sept 25, 2025
Weds, Nov 19, 2025
Meeting Information
Time 5:00 p.m.
Joseph A, Doorley, Jr. Municipal Building
444 Westminster Street, Providence, RI 02903
Meeting agendas are published 48 hours in advance of the meeting and are available for public review on the Secretary of State’s website and the City of Providence Open Meetings Portal.
* Please note it is important to refer to individual agendas as meeting locations are subject to change. *
If you do not have internet access, please call the Department of Art, Culture + Tourism at 401-680-5770 to request a paper copy of the agenda.
Members of the public may request a particular item be added to the agenda, which is developed at the discretion of the Commission’s Chair. To request an item be added to the agenda, send along a detailed description of what exactly you are requesting to discuss to no later than 14 days prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting.
Meeting Minutes
Meeting minutes are posted either following their approval at a subsequent meeting, or in 35 days, whichever instance comes first, on the Secretary of State’s website and the City of Providence Open Meetings Portal.