Register for Paperless Billing
What are some of the benefits of Paperless/eBilling?
It’s convenient, saves time, allows you to receive your bill anywhere/anytime, helps the environment.
Is My information Safe and Secure?
City Hall Systems is a certified PCI (Payment Card Industry) Level 1 service provider and meets or exceeds the security requirements of NACHA (National Automated Clearinghouse Association).
Registering/Creating a Profile
You must register and create an account to sign up for paperless billing.
Will I be able to print a copy of my bill?
Yes. Each tax bill is in PDF format and is printable.
When I sign up to “go paperless” will I still receive a paper bill in the mail?
No, you will receive an email notification a new bill is ready for you to view and pay. Email notifications go to the email address you used when you registered.
Can I start receiving paper bills again?
Yes. Go to your account and under Paperless billing, deselect paperless billing. Save changes.
If I register for an account and sign up for Paperless Billing, do I have to pay online?
No. You do not need to pay online.
I have multiple parcels, do I have to set up an account for each parcel?
No. You only need to create one account. You can add multiple parcels to the account.
I purchased my home after Tax Bills were sent, can I still register for Paperless Billing?
Yes. Create an account and opt in for Paperless Billing. (Note: Access your account by plat/lot number or street address. New ownership will be not be updated until the next billing cycle).
Who should I call if I am having trouble registering?
Call City Hall Systems, the City’s online payment provider, directly at (508) 381-5455 or see GUIDES at the bottom of the ePay main screen.