Thank you, Dr. Nicole Alexander-Scott for everything.
The Providence Human Relations Commission would like to commend Dr. Nicole Alexander-Scott, a 2021 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Hall of Fame Inductee, for her incredible commitment and effort since 2015 to make changes in the public health sphere that will reverberate for years to come.
Dr. Alexander-Scott will be sorely missed! While it may be easy during this pandemic to feel a sense of great loss at the resignation of Dr. Alexander-Scott, we would like to point out that her legacy cannot be easily undone.
Dr. Alexander-Scott emphasized evidence-based care and compassion for the most vulnerable when making decisions at the highest echelons of Rhode Island government. On a personal level, her incredible representation gave us all someone to aspire to be in our daily professional lives.
The next Director will have big shoes to fill, but will not be alone in their efforts for equitable public health. We urge Governor McKee to use this as an opportunity to bend the arc of justice further by choosing a new Director with deep ties to our communities and an unwavering commitment to policies that take into account the most vulnerable.The Providence Human Relations Commission will be alongside them to advocate for these policies in local and state government!
Thank you, Dr. Alexander-Scott, for everything.