About Zoning and Building Board of Review
- The Zoning Board of Review has the authority to grant relief from the City’s Zoning Ordinance.
- The Building Board of Review has the authority to grant relief from the Rhode Island Building Code.
- Applications for relief from the Ordinance and the Code must be filed with the Office of the Boards of Review.
- The staff of the Boards of Review assists applicants by conducting preliminary reviews of their applications.
Meetings + Agendas
- The Zoning Board of Review meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 5:30 PM.
- The Building Board of Review meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 3:oo PM.
- All meetings are located at 444 Westminster Street, 1st Floor Conference Room, and are accessible virtually via the Zoom Webinar Platform
- Agendas & Minutes of the Zoning Board of Review can be found by clicking here.
Current Meeting Information
Zoning Board of Review
The next meeting is scheduled for January 8, 2025 at 5:30 PM and will be conducted as a hybrid meeting at 444 WESTMINSTER ST. and via the Zoom Webinar Platform. Board Members will be present in person. Applicants and their representatives, as well as members of the public, may attend, present, and comment virtually via the Zoom Webinar platform.
- The meeting can be virtually accessed using the Zoom Webinar Platform at: https://zoom.us/j/94889627470. The webinar ID is 948 8962 7470.
- For audio participation, a computer with a microphone is required.
- Those without computer access may participate by telephone using the following numbers: Dial +1 312 626 6799 and use code 948 8962 7470# when prompted.
- Meeting Agenda – The agenda and materials for each matter will be linked below at least a week ahead of the meeting date. DPD Recommendations and any additional presentation materials and public comment received ahead of the meeting will be posted here upon receipt.
- 93 Ayrault St – Application for Dimensional Variance seeking relief from minimum the parking requirement needed to maintain 2 parking spaces while changing the use of the property from a 2-family to a 3-family dwelling; DPD Recommendation
CLICK HERE for Previous Meeting Information
Building Board of Review
The next meeting is scheduled for January 16, 2024 at 3:00 PM and will be conducted as a hybrid meeting at 444 WESTMINSTER ST. and via the Zoom Webinar Platform. Board Members will be present in person. Applicants and their representatives, as well as members of the public, may attend, present, and comment virtually via the Zoom Webinar platform.
- The virtual meeting can be accessed using the Zoom Webinar Platform at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/95949108571. The webinar ID is 959 4910 8571.
- For audio participation, a computer with a microphone is required.
- Those without computer access may participate by telephone using the following numbers: Dial +1 312 626 6799 and use code 959 4910 8571# when prompted.
- Meeting Agenda – The Agenda and Materials for each matter will be available below at least a week ahead of the meeting date.
CLICK HERE for Previous Meeting Information
Applications and Forms
Policies and Procedures
Zoning Board of Review
- Marc Greenfield, Chair
- Anthia Maniotes
- Bianca Rodriguez
- Ryan Holt
- Brendan Ryan
- Marcus Mitchell, 1st Alternate
- James Scott, 2nd Alternate
Building Board of Review
- Bruce Bartel, Chair
- Christine West
- R. Steve Wilkinson
- Nelson Ferreira
Frequently Asked Questions – Zoning Board of Review
How to petition the Zoning Board of Review?
Links to the application and instructions for the Zoning Board of Review are found above on this page, or you can call the Boards of Review office at 401-680-5375 to request a printed copy of a Zoning Board of Review application and instructions.
What documentation is needed for a pre-application review?
There is a detailed checklist included with the Zoning Board of Review application and instructions document.
After the pre-application review and the filing of a complete application, how long is the wait to appear before the Board?
Generally, it takes one to two months after filling to appear before the board. Following pre-application review, complete application submissions are due 4 weeks prior to the docket on which you would like to appear, and are accepted on a first come first served basis.
What should be expected at the hearing?
The Chair will announce the subject address on the application and invite everyone to come forward who has an interest in the petition. Everyone will be sworn in and the owner or the representative of the owner will present the petition and any exhibits or witness testimony. To follow the presentation of the petition, questions and answers between the Board and the Applicant, and any public comment, the chair will close the hearing on that particular matter and the board will deliberate and render a decision.
The Board has approved/denied the application, what happens next?
The decision of the Board on every petition or appeal shall be in written form and shall include the reasons for the decision, findings of fact, and any special conditions attached thereto. The decision shall be filed in the office of the Board and of the Director within forty-five (45) days of the Board’s vote, and shall be open to public inspection. Notice of such decision shall be mailed to each party in interest, including the applicant and the Associate Director of the Division of Planning of the Rhode Island Department of Administration. Any decision evidencing the granting of a variance or special use permit shall also be recorded in the Land Evidence Records of the City.
Does the variance expire?
Any variance or special use permit granted or authorized by the Board shall expire six months after the date of the filing of the resolution in the Office of the Board unless the applicant shall, within the six months, obtain a legal, complete building permit for the project and proceed with construction of the proposed improvements (for purposes of this section, demolition permits and foundation permits shall not be construed to be building permits); or, within the six months, obtain a legal building permit and a certificate of occupancy when no construction is required.
Should an applicant fail to obtain a legal building permit within the second six-month period, the Board may upon written request prior to the end of the second six-month period, renew the variance or special use permit for a third six-month period provided that the applicant can demonstrate due diligence in proceeding and substantial financial commitment in promoting the subject of the variance or special use permit since the date of the filing of the resolution.
The request for the third six-month period shall be advertised and notice given in accordance with Section 902 and a hearing shall be held on the request. None of the six month periods shall run during the pendency of any Superior or Supreme Court actions concerning the grant.
Is there any recourse if my application is denied?
Yes, any person or persons, jointly or severally aggrieved by a decision of the Board may appeal said decision to the Superior Court within twenty (20) days after such decision is filed in the Office of the Board.
Frequently Asked Questions – Building Board of Review
How to petition the Building Board of Review?
Links to the application and instructions for the Building Board of Review are found above on this page, or you can call the Boards of Review office at 401-680-5375 to request a printed copy of a Building Board of Review application and instructions.
What documentation is needed at a preliminary review?
Please contact the Building Official or Senior Plans Examiner to schedule a preliminary review and to confirm what level of documentation is required based on the proposed project scope.
Is the application filed with the Boards of Review?
Prior to filing an application with the Building Board, a preliminary review is required by the Building Official or Senior Plans Examiner as part of the typical review of a building permit application, or via a scheduled preliminary review. Following the preliminary review, the applicant will be provided with a formal documentation of deficiencies (as applicable) to include with a complete application to the Building Board via the Boards of Review office. Please contact Alexis Thompson at athompson@providenceri.gov or Boupha Sath at bsath@providenceri.gov with any questions.
After the preliminary review and the application is accepted, how long is the wait to appear before the Board?
Generally, it takes one to two months after filling to appear before the board.
What should be expected at the hearing?
The Chair will announce the subject address on the application and invite everyone to come forward who has an interest in the petition. Everyone will be sworn in and the owner or the representative of the owner will present the petition and any exhibits or witness testimony. To follow the presentation of the petition, questions and answers between the Board and the Applicant, and any public comment, the chair will close the hearing on that particular matter and the board will deliberate and render a decision.
The Board has approved/denied my application, what happens next?
You will receive a Resolution providing documentation that your application was approved or denied. Approval requires the owner to validate the resolution, and the stamped approved plans on file with the Boards of Review must be submitted to the Department of Inspection and Standards.
Is there any recourse if an application is denied?
Yes, any aggrieved party affected by the decision of the local board may appeal to the State Board of Standards and Appeals within twenty (20) days after the filing of the local decision with the building official and owner. Any determination made by the local board shall be subject to review de novo by the state board of standards and appeals. § 23-27.3-127.2.5 Procedures.
Zoning Board of Review
J. Dorley Municipal Building
444 Westminster Street
Providence, RI 02903-3215
Telephone: 401.680.5375
Fax: 401.680.5482
- Alexis J. Thompson, Secretary to the Boards of Review/Zoning Official – 401-680-5376 – athompson@providenceri.gov
- Boupha Sath, Zoning Assistant – 401-680-5375 – bsath@providenceri.gov
Monday – Friday
8:30 am – 4:30 pm (January-June + September-December)
8:30 – 4:00 (July-August Summer Schedule)