Charged with enforcing the Property Maintenance Code, inspectors respond to complaints by tenants, emergency responders, neighbors, and elected officials, and perform routine inspections. The Code Enforcement Division enforces the Property Maintenance Code of the State of Rhode Island. The intent of this code is to ensure that all residential premises in the City of Providence meet a minimum level of health and safety.
- Structures
- Equipment and facilities for light
- Ventilation
- Space
- Heating
- Sanitation
- Protection from the elements
- Life safety
- Safety from fire and other hazards
- Safety and sanitary maintenance
The State of Rhode Island Property Maintenance Code is enforced by the personnel in Code Enforcement. The Chief of Housing and Compliance reports to the Director of Inspections and Standards and ensures that all existing housing conforms with the State Property Maintenance Code.
Renewal Inspectors perform field inspection of dwellings to determine violations of the Property Maintenance Code of the State of Rhode Island. Office staff fields complaints, assists the public, and provides support for the inspectors of the Code Enforcement Division.