Leonela Felix serves as Assistant City Solicitor as of October 2024, representing the City in civil litigation prosecuting building and housing code violations. She also acts as primary counsel to the Providence Human Relations Commission, the Housing Crisis Task Force, and the North Main Street Task Force. Additionally, as the City’s Nondiscrimination Compliance Coordinator, she oversees the City’s compliance with state and federal nondiscrimination regulations such as the Americans with Disabilities Act and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act.
Leonela joined the City Solicitor’s Office in 2020 as the Ethics Education and ADA Coordinator, where she led the development of educational programs and training on municipal ethics. From 2018 to 2020, she served as Deputy Director of Policy for Mayor Jorge O. Elorza, spearheading initiatives on immigration, criminal legal reform, and equality.
Leonela earned a dual B.A. from Rhode Island College and a J.D. from New England Law | Boston. Outside of work, she serves as State Representative for District 61 (Pawtucket) and enjoys spending time with her husband and their three dogs Chiquita, Bubba and Nena.