Event Request Form Email* Enter Email Confirm Email Name* First Last Work Phone*Cell Phone*Organization/Business NameEvent DetailsEvent Name*Event Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Event Time : Hours Minutes Will this be an in-person event or via zoom?* In-person meeting/event Zoom meeting/event Location of in-person event/meeting:*Description of EventIn what capacity are you requesting the Mayor's attendance:VolunteerTour LocationSpeakOtherDescribe other:Who will be in attendance?Please recommend what time he should attend:Is press/media involved? Yes No Please list the names of individuals or organizations who will receive an award or recognition at your event. Also, please briefly describe the award or recognition they will receive.Where to parkTalking Points Details (if applicable)Topic you would like Mayor to speak about:Microphone Yes No Podium Yes No Who will introduce the Mayor?Who else is speaking/performing?Please provide run of show/agendaUpload full event agendaMax. file size: 60 MB.The mayor's schedule may change at any time based on current City needs and responsibilities. If this occurs, we will notify you as promptly as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding. Any invitations, press releases, media statements, and all printed material that use the mayor's name or attributed quotes must be approved by the Mayor's Office before distribution. Please plan accordingly to accommodate that approval process. Security staff will accompany the mayor to all events and meetings. If you have a security office please have them contact the Mayor's Advance Team at (401) 421-2489 to coordinate. Share this story email icon. Click to share on email twitter icon. Click to share on twitter facebook icon. Click to share on facebook linkedIn Icon. Click to share on LinkedIn