Throughout 2022, the City of Providence Department of Planning and Development conducted an infrastructure assessment and community engagement effort to identify public realm investments needed in the Dike Street Area, a mixed-use industrial space tucked between Olneyville Square and Route 6. This effort identified needs such as sidewalks, road repaving, lighting, street trees, parking and loading, safety improvements for people walking and biking, and other investments.
Since the beginning of its industrial development not long after the American Revolution, many residents of Providence and the surrounding Olneyville neighborhood worked in mill buildings around Dike Street, some of which still stand today. Currently, the Dike Street Area has an active community of residents, property owners, and businesses who are interested in the area’s revitalization. This assessment was a continuation of needs identified in the City’s 2015 Special Area Plan and helped prepare the area for the completion of the 6-10 Connector project immediately to the area’s east.
As part of the 6-10 Connector project, the Rhode Island Department of Transportation is building a pedestrian bridge connecting the easternmost end of Dike Street over the Northeast Corridor railroad tracks to the east side of the highway, where it will connect to a new shared use path extension of the Washington Secondary Bike Path. In the City’s Great Streets Plan, this bridge provides an important connection for Silver Lake within the Urban Trail Network. The assessment also evaluated a potential new shared-use path connection for people walking and biking from Pilsudski Street in Silver Lake to the new Dike Street pedestrian bridge. The bridge is scheduled to be completed in 2023.
Once the 6-10 Connector project is complete, the City plans to evaluate major improvements to the intersection of Westminster St, Broadway, Valley St, and Troy St. Studying those comprehensive changes was not included in the assessment but will be part of a separate project.
- Sign up for the project email list
- Virtual community update meeting – October 13th: Presentation, Recording (Passcode: J#V1OgNG), and Q&A transcript
- Presentation at Olneyville Neighborhood Association meeting – June 29th
- Virtual community update meeting – May 24th: Recording and Q&A transcript
- Virtual kickoff community meeting – January 25th: Recording and Q&A transcript
- Other community meetings will be listed here when dates are finalized
Project documents
- 2015 Dike Street Special Area Plan (5/14/16 presentation)
- Providence Anti-Displacement and Comprehensive Housing Strategy
Contact Us
Alex Ellis, Principal Planner
Facebook: ProvPlanning
Twitter: @ProvPlanning
Stay tuned for additional information!
Whenever possible, the City brings the planning process to existing community gathering places. This includes attending standing community meetings, tabling at special events, and canvassing out in the neighborhood. If you are interested in having City staff or our Street Ambassadors conduct outreach at your event, please contact Alex Ellis at 401-680-8522 or