Tree Work Requests
To request a tree removal, stump removal, fallen branch pick-up, or other services for a tree in front of your property, visit PVD 311 or call the Forestry Division at (401) 680-7254 to have the tree inspected. To find out about tree planting, see our Street Tree Planting page.
You must request a free permit before performing any work on a city tree, including pruning, removal, digging or trenching, and planting a new tree in the right-of-way. Fines will be assessed if city trees are damaged or removed without prior permission.
Download the Tree Permit Application Code of Ordinances – Sec 23 ½ “Trees” PVD 311 Requests
Significant Trees
The city’s largest shade trees are precious resources. A large tree offers exponentially greater environmental benefits than a small or newly planted tree due to the large amount of extra foliage. Trees require many decades to reach a mature size. Preserving and protecting mature trees is a top priority, and serves to benefit public health. To read more about the benefits and challenges facing trees in Providence, see our report on the State of Providence’s Urban Forest.
In 2004, the City passed a regulation in its Zoning Ordinance ( Article 1503 B – “Significant Tree Preservation”) that protects trees that are 32 inches in diameter or greater (measured 4.5 feet above the ground), regardless of location (the ordinance is applicable to trees on both public and private land). No “Significant Tree” shall be removed without prior permission of the City Forester. Any person wishing to remove a Significant Tree shall file a request to do so with the City Forester. The request must meet certain criteria in order to receive approval, most notably that the tree poses a danger to human safety, health, and welfare.
Call the City Forester at (401) 680-7254 for more information.
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