Providence Code of Ordinances
Sec. 12-61.2. Use of recyclable receptacles.
(a) Required. The owner or occupant of any premise or dwelling unit where recyclables shall accumulate shall store said recyclables in the state-provided special container/receptacle on said premises. Said owner or occupant shall deposit recyclables by placing them in or on top of the container.
(b) Use. Said owner or occupant shall not locate such container/receptacle in any place which is not satisfactory to the director of public works. No person shall deposit recyclables in any other place other than such a recyclable receptacle as herein prescribed. No person shall deposit nonrecyclable materials in the special state-provided container.
(c) Violations and penalties. Any person who shall violate any provision of this section, or any provision of any rule or regulation adopted pursuant to authority granted by this section, shall, upon conviction, be punished as provided in section 1-10 of this Code of Ordinances.
(d) Enforcement. The provisions of this section shall be enforced by the director of public works.
(Ord. 1989, ch. 89-3, § 3, 4-17-89)