We are deeply saddened to report that our curator Michael Kieron has passed away. His impact on this museum and the lives of all who knew him has been profound and lasting. So many were touched by his humor, his kindness and his eagerness to share his passion for the natural world. Whether you encountered Mike here at the museum, or participated in one of his bird walks, geology field trips, butterfly walks, homeschool programing or a lecture on local rock formations, we know his loss will be felt. The mark he left on our lives will endure. He will be missed.
Michael Kieron was a graduate of the University of Rhode Island with a Bachelor of Science in Geology and Geological Oceanography and awarded the University Academic Excellence award. Starting as a volunteer while he was in high school, Michael moved on to become the Assistant Curator in 2005 followed by becoming the Curator of Collections in 2013. Well known in the RI Natural History community, he was a member of the Natural History Survey Board of Directors and many local geology and nature organizations.
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