The Department of Sustainability will create policies and programs to create a healthy, low-carbon, climate resilient and environmentally just city. The Department promotes the following citywide goals:
1) A carbon neutral city by 2050, with the following interim targets.
2) Access to housing with affordable, efficient and clean energy, while eliminating fossil fuel use in all buildings.
3) Healthy air and community spaces free from pollution, with a focus on port-area neighborhoods and other communities exposed to the highest rates of pollution.
4) A sustainable, zero-waste economy, with a focus on support for local businesses.
5) Access to clean and efficient public transportation and infrastructure that support walking and bicycling, and otherwise reducing carbon and co-pollutants.
6) Preparing the city for the impacts of climate change.
Putting us on the path to becoming an equitable, low-carbon, climate resilient city.
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Take the pledge to maintain your lawn and garden without pesticides or chemicals.
Building Energy Reporting Ordinance
Requires large buildings to measure and report their energy use.
RepowerPVD is the City’s voluntary energy challenge for large buildings.
Rhode Island’s Retail Plastic Bag Ban
Protecting our environment through prohibiting single-use plastic checkout bags.
The Commission works with the Sustainability Department to achieve a greener more livable Providence.
An opportunity for high school students to showcase their climate solutions through Art, Social Media & Influence, Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics, Community Organizing and other creative ways!
Public Street Waterfront Access Project
Explore our in-depth story map about the history of Public Street and its evolution to becoming a waterfront access point.
Explore using zoning, comprehensive plan, and other policy changes as a tool in achieving the goals in our Climate Justice Plan.
Learn more about the Olneyville Resilience Hub, its purpose, and the available resources for extreme weather events.
About Us Annual Reports Composting in PVD Energy Equity in Sustainability Food Go Solar Housing and Buildings Sustainability Dashboard Take Climate Action Transportation Water Stormwater & Green Infrastructure Zero Waste