The City of Providence, Environmental Justice League of Rhode Island, and Groundwork Rhode Island are working together to bring a racial equity lens to the City’s sustainability work. This initiative, which was funded by the Funders’ Network for Smart Growth with a match from the Rhode Island Foundation, includes three components:
- Discovery: Researching best practices for applying a racial equity lens to sustainability work and areas of concern in Providence
- Developing a better way: Establishing a Racial and Environmental Justice Committee (REJC) to 1) identify key concerns, issues, and needs for communities of color related to environmental sustainability in Providence; and 2) Recommend a long-term process and structure for collaboration between communities of color and the Office of Sustainability.
- Understanding effects of personal and institutional racism: The project team is hosting two Undoing Racism trainings from the People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond.
Updates & Resources
- Equity in Sustainability Report
- Energy Democracy Community Leader Program Application Now Open
- Office of Sustainability Adopts Recommendations for a Racially Equitable and Just Providence (Sept. 2017)
- City of Providence Awarded $125,000 Equity in Sustainability Grant (May, 2017)
- City of Providence Awarded $100,000 Equity in Sustainability Grant (May, 2016)