About RePowerPVD
RepowerPVD is the City of Providence’s voluntary energy challenge program, designed to help large buildings in the city conserve energy, save money, and gain recognition for their leadership and contributions to the City’s goal to make Providence carbon neutral by 2050. The program is comprised of two tracks:
1. 20 percent reduction by 2025
Using a 2015 baseline, property owners may enter any building over 10,000 square feet by committing to reduce energy consumption 20 percent by 2025.
2. Race to Zero
Property owners may also enter their buildings into the “race” to become the first Zero Energy Building (ZEB) in Providence.
RePowerPVD Progress Report
Current Participants
Six property owners have joined the energy reduction challenge for a total of approximately 2.1 million Gross Square Feet enrolled and reported for the Energy Reduction Challenge.
These include:
- The Steel Yard (12,370 Gross Square Feet)
- Providence Marriott Downtown (188,384 Gross Square Feet)
- Providence Housing Authority, Kilmartin Plaza at 160 Benedict ST (65,520 Gross Square Feet)
- Cornish Associates (Seven buildings totaling 395,492 Gross Square Feet)
- Johnson & Wales University (Three buildings totaling 356,256 Gross Square Feet)
- Rising Sun Mills (95,676 Gross Square Feet)
- City of Providence (Ten buildings totaling 992,032 Gross Square Feet)
- Mount Pleasant High School
- The Leviton Complex
- George J. West Elementary School
- Nathan Bishop Middle School
- Branch Avenue Fire Station
- Dr. Martin Luther King Elementary School
- Mary E. Fogarty Elementary School
- Reservoir Avenue Elementary School
- Department of Communications
- Joseph A. Doorley, Jr. Building
The City also has four buildings totaling over 465,000 Square Feet that have already achieved the 20% reduction goal, measured by weather normalized Energy Use Intensity (EUI) change since 2015:
- Juanita Sanchez Educational Complex (-27.6%)
- Nathanael Greene Middle School (-24.5%)
- Allan Shawn Feinstein Elementary School @ Broad Street (-25%)
- Asa Messer Elementary School @ Samuel W. Bridgham (-33.2%)
Three participants in the “Race to Zero” challenge
- Truth Box, Inc.: Truth Box Inc. has three properties enrolled in the Race to Zero: a 30 unit multi-family property on Cranston Street, a 7 unit multi-family property on Westminster, and the new Urban Greens Co-op food cooperative.
- Sheridan Small Homes by ONE Neighborhood Builders: Community-based developer, ONE Neighborhood Builders, has begun construction on a zero-energy, small home community. The Sheridan Small Homes project will bring five new, very affordable, “passive”, compact homes to the Olneyville neighborhood of Providence. The project was originally posed as a challenge by ONE Neighborhood Builders to Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) students in professor and architect Jonathan Knowles’ studio to address issues of increased housing unaffordability and climate change.
- Roger Williams Park Zoo Education Center: The Roger Williams Park Zoo is developing a 15,000-square foot educational facility which will engage visitors in interactive exhibits, including information about conservation, sustainability and energy.
Updates & Resources
- Read the first annual RePowerPVD report
- “Providence Aims to Cut Energy Use” – Providence Journal, June 3rd, 2019
- Stakeholder Webinar Slides: Effective Design Strategies for Optimal Energy Performance and Occupant Comfort and Health
- Stakeholder Webinar Slides: Portfolio Energy Benchmarking and Prioritization — Step by Step
- Stakeholder Workshop Slides: Achieving Low and Zero Energy Buildings and Portfolios in Providence
- Participant Memorandum of Understanding (Participant MOU)
- U.S. EPA ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager
- Mayor Elorza Launches RePowerPVD – April 30th, 2018
- National Grid Energy Efficiency Steps
RePowerPVD Map – Enrolled Buildings*
*Click on each enrolled property and explore the buildings’ energy data
You can access the map here
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Why join the Challenge?
- Gain recognition for your leadership. Participants will be recognized by Mayor Smiley and receive a plaque for their property and their building name etched into a plaque in City Hall.
- Receive technical assistance, resources, education, and peer networking opportunities to help achieve your RePowerPVD goals.
- Free up capital by tackling energy waste.
- Increase the value of your building. Efficient buildings have higher occupancy rates, lease renewal rates, and sale prices than less efficient properties.
- Combat rising energy costs.
How do I join?
To participate, building owners must agree to:
- Benchmark their buildings’ energy use on an annual basis using ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager—the free, Internet-based tool—and report this data to the City’s Office of Sustainability.
- Make a public commitment that is in line with at least one of the two RePowerPVD tracks.
- Document energy efficiency improvements and share solutions.
- Participate in networking and educational events featuring speakers on best practices, case studies, local success stories, and program and policy updates.