We aim to ensure that all Providence residents have access to clean and efficient public transportation and infrastructure that supports walking and riding bicycles, while reducing carbon and co-pollutants in the city, with a focus on areas with cumulative health impacts.
Approximately 30% of Providence’s climate pollution comes from our transportation sector. The Sustainable Providence plan (2014) set a goal to “Ensure all road users have access to balanced, safe, and affordable transportation options.” Substantial progress towards this goal has been made in recent years with investments to make Providence a safer and more comfortable place to walk and ride bicycles, make public transportation cleaner and easier to use, and introduce new forms of transportation like electric-assist bicycles and scooters and electric autonomous vehicle shuttles.
How Will We Get There?
By 2035, 11% reduction in Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMTs) and by 2050, 20% reduction in VMTs.
By 2035, 43% of VMTs in Providence are electric and by 2050, 80% of VMTs are electric.
By 2035, increase the number of employers in Providence offering RIPTA’s EcoPass to their employees from 50 to 200.
100% of the City’s fleet and school buses will be renewable by 2040.
Increase the number of trips taken using JUMP Boost plan subscriptions to 10%.
Targets to Develop
Increase in public transit ridership in Providence.
Reduce diesel truck traffic in frontline communities.
Increase low-carbon transit options in frontline communities.
Increase sidewalk maintenance and investment in frontline communities.
Evaluate and modify traffic patterns to reduce emissions in frontline communities.
Advocate for reducing emissions from trucks.
Advocate for investing in cleaner and more accessible public transportation.
Invest in infrastructure to make walking and riding bicycles safer and more accessible, especially in low-income areas.
Create a citywide mobility plan that builds upon the City’s Great Streets Master Plan and RIPTA’s forthcoming Transit Master Plan.
Expand bike share and scooter share access to low-income communities.
Advocate for the expansion of incentives for electric vehicles.
Electric Vehicles
Electric Vehicles are cheaper to run per mile than gasoline-powered cars, require less maintenance, and are the future of clean personal transport; they’re a win for consumers and the environment. As part of Providence’s Climate Justice Plan, the City aims to have 100% of the City’s fleet and school buses powered by renewable energy by 2040. Rhode Island’s Office of Energy Resources is monitoring the evolving EV charging infrastructure technology, and currently offers various incentive programs around installing charging stations.
Learn About EVs Find a Charging Station
Providence Public Transport
Providence is serviced by Rhode Island Public Transport Authority (RIPTA) buses, regional railway, and a free autonomous vehicle shuttle pilot program. Construction of the Downtown Transit Connector, which will provide dedicated bus lanes and high-frequency bus service between Providence Station and the Hospital District in Upper South Providence will begin in early 2020.
Providence RIPTA Rides by the Numbers
– 3,200 Providence High School students take RIPTA to school every day
– 8,173 of Providence residents in the No Fare Bus Pass Program (roughly 50% of total)
– All PVD based College and University students ride with student IDs through UPASS
– Over half a million rides by college students in Providence annually
– 20 PVD based employers subsidizing transit
– City of Providence – 50 employees use EcoPass to take transit to work
RIPTA RIPTA Zero Emissions Fleet Transition Providence Train Station
Biking, Scooting & Walking
It’s getting easier to leave the car at home and bike, walk or scoot around Providence. The City has made substantial improvements in its bike infrastructure, adding over 16 miles of bike lanes in the past ten years, including the city’s first protected bike lane. Providence is home to multiple e-scooter and e-bike operators, which provides over 1000 rentable electric bikes for residents and visitors to enjoy.
Micromobility Program Providence Great Streets Initiative Bike Rhode Island Rhode Island Bicycle Coalition Recycle-a-Bike